
Cyber Security Lab

Cyber Security Lab

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Noc-Soc Center

Mercyhurst University announced a $2 million investment from national technology company MCPc that would take the Ridge College of Intelligence Studies and Applied Sciences to the next level by accelerating the expansion of its innovative cybersecurity program.

Teaming up with Cleveland-based technology company MCPc, Mercyhurst worked to create a state-of-the-art, cyber security network operation center.

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Cyber Lab

From the inside, the diagonal lines promote movement throughout the facility. The design seeks to transform the speed of cyber-attacks into an architectural element.

Replacing all the interior partitions with diagonal glass will increase the desirable internal interaction and give the company the opportunity to interact on a larger scale.



All the furniture has been designed according to the perceived movement, presenting a blue stripe and a diagonal angle to enhance the overall concept.

The phrase “dress for success” is an oft-repeated one, and the idea behind it—that we will respond to how we’re perceived—is sound.


8,000 sqft

At an important event, you wear a carefully matched suit, bringing up your own expectations for your performance.

It indicates to the people you interact with that you care about the details, you pay attention, and you aren’t to be underestimated.



$2 Million

This idea can easily extend to the world of architecture. Imagine, you have a mediocre space, where people move through bland hallways, nothing to capture the interest of the eyes, nothing to give a message that what occurs in this space is anything beyond mundane.

Opening Date:


When true care and reverence for the details of an environment can be observed, however, it uplifts the innovation of the people working in that environment.


Erie, Pennsylvania

They begin their day with the knowledge that details matter, that unique design choices can make the difference between a boring office, and a space that delights the eye.


+ Technical Drawings


+ Construction Progress


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